
5 Workouts to Add to Your Routine!

October 15, 2019


5 Workouts to Add to Your Routine!

We’ve all heard “consistency is key” in every lifestyle change and fitness journey. However, sometimes routines become ruts, and progress turns into a plateau.

Studies show that changing up your exercises semi-frequently help not only pop you out of your plateau, but helps you maintain motivation!

Here are 5 exercises that are a quick and easy way to spice up your general gym game and bust through your rut.

Jump Ropes / Battle Ropes

Good for: Cardio / Arms / Core

Ropes are no joke.

Jump rope: Jump rope is one of the best workouts you can do! Great for creating lean muscle mass while you burn fat and get a great cardio workout..

Battle ropes: Battle ropes are also versatile, which makes them a great exercise to have in your fitness toolbox.

Gliding Discs

Good for: Full Body Lengthening and Strengthening

Gliding discs are the hidden gem of fitness equipment. Tiny, lightweight and portable, its easy to underestimate the power they pack. While you make look like you’re gliding across the floor, they make the simplest movements anything but easy.

The instability of the slide means things get real fast. Discs help to engage your muscles throughout a full range of motion, improving your strength, balance, and flexibility.

Since they’re so small and light, they’re also a great travel exercise! Can’t find the gliders? Paper plates work too.


Good for: Upper back, Lower Back, Glutes

Superman isn’t just a hero or a dance move anymore. It’s now an extremely useful workout for posture and overall strength. It may feel a little awkward at first, but strengthening your back is so important to the rest of your health and fitness journey, it’s definitely worth a try.

As you get more and more comfortable with the pose you can begin to add resistance bands to your arms and legs to increase the stretch. Next time you do your crunches, flip over to your stomach and give it a try.

Renegade Row

Good for: Core, Shoulders, Back

We love a two-for-one! The renegade row combines the benefits of a plank and traditional dumbbell row, meaning it targets your core, shoulders, and upper back!

But here’s the twist… or not. You’re trying not to twist. By adding the rowing motion to the basic plank, renegade rows force the core to stabilize the spine and hit the obliques.

Because it’s already a tough movement, beginners shouldn’t add a lot of weight. Focus on form and keeping your hips from moving, and build up weight over time!

Bulgarian Split Squat

Good for: Balance, Quads, Calves and Hamstrings

With “Bulgarian” in the name, you know this one is going to be tough. In fact, it’s one of the most hated leg exercises going around. But all that hate is for one reason, it’s tough and it works.

Most people quit because they feel it’s too hard to balance and they’re not getting a good enough workout, but actually, it’s like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you get the muscle memory down, you actually are building up strength to get the best squat workout and bust through your rut.

Have patience and keep trying!

Happy Workouts Everyone!

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