Meet Mike: the Rockstar Who Lost over 100 Pounds with MacroPlate
Mike Silbowitz was working 50-60 hour weeks and had given up on weight-loss when he signed up for MacroPlate on a whim; a decision that would completely change his life and help him lose 100 pounds in a year.

Mike was a healthy kid, and had a healthy and fun lifestyle through his twenties. An NYC native, Mike liked spending time with friends, traveling, and going out to dinner, bars, and clubs. But things started to change in his thirties as his work became more demanding, hours got longer, and free time was spent more on the couch watching TV to relax, than going out.
He knew that his long hours, stress, and increased couch time had lead to some weight gain, but didn’t expect that a trip to the doctors would inform him of a “fatty liver”, a scary and sometimes fatal diagnosis.
He knew this was a serious issue and began making changes towards a healthier lifestyle. However, nothing seemed to stick. “Mostly I tried on my own to be healthier and had even considered surgery. I would work out but would do it for a week and give up after not seeing immediate results.” Other factors like work, stress, and the lack of time hadn’t gone away either. His energy was low and he lacked motivation to continue. Then came the end of a serious relationship. “When it ended, I did everything I could to not think about it. For years I threw myself into my career and nothing else. And when I wasn’t working, I would eat and watch TV.”
Mike had started to believe that this was just what life looked like now. “I had given up on being a version of myself that was fit and healthy.” The sedentary lifestyle, processed foods, and stress had created a vicious cycle. Brain fog and demotivation had set in and he didn’t see that there was a realistic way to get out of it. “I had hit 316 pounds and assumed that was what life was from now on.”
That was until one day while scrolling through Instagram, he saw that “one of those sexy dudes” aka a fitness influencer @jerdani___kraja he followed had posted about MacroPlate. “It looked delicious and honestly figured it could be a way to eat healthier instead of ordering in all the time.”
At first, Mike had no grand plans for weight-loss with MacroPlate. He was ordering for the convenience, to save money on ordering delivery or fast-food, and not having to think about meals. “I thought I may get healthier but I had already accepted I would never be in shape again and honestly did not think MacroPlate would get me to lose weight.”
But, he was “pleasantly surprised”. The first day’s meals came and he wasn’t starving or deprived. In fact, the food tasted good! “It was very tasty. In the first few weeks I would be tempted to snack on top of the meals but I resisted. And I was usually I was full after eating the meals anyway.”
Before long Mike was on a roll. He was on the High Protein Plan, 3 meals a day, 5 days a week. With the ease of never having to cook or think about food and the health benefits of eating fresh, no-sugar-added, made-from-scratch meals… what used to be a vicious cycle was starting to be a positive cycle of healthy energy and positivity.
After just a month of MacroPlate, he noticed that he was feeling better on his nightly dog walks and had even noticed that his pants were starting to loosen… but still didn’t realize that the MacroPlate meals had been slowly working their magic. Here’s what that transition and realization felt like direct from Mike:
"One evening I was walking my dogs. There was a man across the street walking his dog, which made my dogs freak out. As I maneuvered the two dogs and pooper scooper, trying to calm them down, my pants fell to the ground. The guy across the street laughed and I was just completely confused and shocked. I pulled my pants up and went home, wondering how this happened. Took me a while to realize it had to be the meals. I went to the fridge and for the first time looked at the back nutrition information, realizing each meal was roughly 500 calories. This meant I was only ingesting 1500 calories a day. I wasn’t hungry but somehow I was sustained and beginning to lose weight. As the months progressed and I continued to lose weight, my energy level (which had been nonexistent) started to get crazy high. First, I bought a bike to try to get the energy expelled but then it got to a point where I just had to workout. MacroPlate kicked off a snowball effect that led to me becoming a healthier person."

We asked Mike why after years of trying other things and quitting within weeks, why did he think MacroPlate worked so well, and was the answer he could finally stick with. “Honestly, it was the complete satisfaction of the actual meals provided. I alway had a portion control issue, but MacroPlate completely eliminated that and crafted meals for me that tasted great, satisfied my hunger, and actually did the work of making me lose weight, get happier, and have more energy.”
After a year Mike had gone from 316 pounds to 203, his fatty liver had completely disappeared and his love of life had returned. “Before I fell out of shape, I was a happy energetic person. I spent too many years being out of shape, unhealthy and unhappy. After MacroPlate, I am in great shape, always happy and active. My health is next level good.” But most importantly Mike feels grateful that he’s out of the “coma” he was under and finally able to be himself again.
After his weight-loss journey Mike moved to Seattle where he’s still healthy, still happy and now engaged to the love of his life, and they’re getting married this September! He does his own meal-prep everyday, and tells us he wishes MacroPlate delivered to Seattle (sorry buddy, one day soon!) and encourages our readers… if they’re thinking about MacroPlate, just “DO IT. You have nothing to lose, except the old version of yourself.”